In late May and early June, we traveled to Wanship, Utah to visit Stephen and Barbara at their great ranch. Douglas, Veronica, and Emilia flew in from their home in Westminster, CA so we had a much larger family gathering.

Following our Utah visit, we flew to Long Beach, hence to Westminster to visit Veronica, Douglas, and Emilia's new home.
While there, we helped Douglas erect his new camping tent. Janet repeated her oft-used phrase that she thought it was very nice for them but definitely not for her.
We visited the Huntington Gardens and were enthralled by the beautiful gardens, especially the Japanese (or was it a Chinese) tea house.
We also had a chance to go to the Long Beach Aquarium. Emi enjoyed paddling in the water where the rays swam and looking a diver in the large pool in the center of the building.
We flew back home via Salt Lake City where we met Barbara and Stephen for dinner.
It was a really fun trip and, surprisingly, the flights, though many in number, were pleasantly uneventful.
Photos of the trip are available by clicking here.
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