Friday, July 24, 2009

WHY . . . a repeat from 2007

The following was written in my personal blog in 2007. Every once in a while I still wonder why . . .

"Every once in awhile I reach that point where I've just got to get something off my chest. Living during the regime of "W", I guess, promotes the need.

  • Why are we so damn afraid of adding a nickel to our gas tax so that we can address the critical maintenance needs of our highways and bridges?
  • When will this country realize that transportation is a vital national requisite supporting our capitalistic structure - not something that has to be profit-driven in itself?
  • For that matter, why are we so afraid of considering nationalized health care programs?
  • When will we have the sense to recognize - in spite of the NRA - that the right to bear arms does not necessarily include semi-automatic weapons or grenade rocket launchers?
There are a few other items I might mention but I'll be temporarily happy if just one or two of the above are honestly addressed by us."

1 comment:

Allen Seiple said...

Ralph - My fear in adding a nickel to the gas tax is that our legislator has already raided the transportation taxes for other uses. What is to stop them from doing it again.

As I sit here recovering from back surgery, I may have lost the use of my right leg if I had to wait for our inefficient government to decide whether surgery was necessary or not.