After what seems like days of rain and otherwise damp (even chilly) weather, it looks like (and feels like) Summer has arrived. The dahlias are opening earlier than usual, the monarda is as tall as an elephant's eye, and the hummingbirds are visible again. Hopefull, this will last long enough to call it a real Summer.
The following was written in my personal blog in 2007. Every once in a while I still wonder why . . .
"Every once in awhile I reach that point where I've just got to get something off my chest. Living during the regime of "W", I guess, promotes the need.
Why are we so damn afraid of adding a nickel to our gas tax so that we can address the critical maintenance needs of our highways and bridges?
When will this country realize that transportation is a vital national requisite supporting our capitalistic structure - not something that has to be profit-driven in itself?
For that matter, why are we so afraid of considering nationalized health care programs?
When will we have the sense to recognize - in spite of the NRA - that the right to bear arms does not necessarily include semi-automatic weapons or grenade rocket launchers?
There are a few other items I might mention but I'll be temporarily happy if just one or two of the above are honestly addressed by us."
Linda and Darrah Moore paid Ludlow a visit during their trek from Florida to Vermont. We were able to get together with them several times and renew old acquaintances. The night before they left the "good country" to begin their return journey to the South, via Connecticut, the Kneebones invited them along with the Almonds and Paces for dinner. It was great to see them again, and Linda will be assuming a familiar role as she plans our bus tours in Tuscany in the early Fall of 2010.
It took a card from Allan to reminder us that we were celebrating our 48th wedding anniversary. The guys (got to stop calling them the boys) remembered by calling us. But we didn't remember! Well, we had lunch at Applebee's and called it a celebration (met the Kneebones there so that constituted a public gathering to honor the occasion). We're both planning to remember the anniversary two years hence - if someone will remind us with sufficient lead time to prepare!
We intended to spend the bulk of the day watching the parade and viewing the various sites at the Coolidge farmstead on the 4th of July. However, the ever persistent rain changed our plans and we settled for lunch at the Pot Belly. Janet did get a chance to greet a "friend" at Coolidge.
Trying to keep up with the "social" networking stuff that seems to abound now, Ralph created a Facebook page for anyone who is interested. It can be directly accessed via When you get there, you can also access a TW3 (That Was The Week That Was - TV show) page by searching for "TW3" or clicking the TW3 button. I guess this is progress.