With Marge Baker, Webster, NY, visiting her "Eastern" relatives Western Massachusetts and Vermont, it became an opportunity for the Pace and Boland clans to gather. Jimmy and Paula Boland hosted the get-together and served a great meal for the "sunlight" crew (as well as liquid refreshments). It was a great opportunity to great updated on everyone's medical condition as well as meet the "younger set" members of the family. Pictured above is a photo of the "Elderly Set" while the Pace family is pictured below. The really interesting news from this gathering was the realization that a good number of the "younger set" are approaching retirement - the fact that I used to baby-sit only compounding my difficulty accepting this realization. But it was great to visit with our family.
We stayed overnight at Allan's and enjoyed an unusual Japanese dinner at the Toyko restaurant. It was one of the few times I can remember enjoying food that had the word "California" in it ( a vegetable California roll).