For our 8th consecutive year, we met the Brownlies at the Apartments at Owls Head in Mansonville, Quebec for some skiing and just plain conversation and relaxation. As may be gathered from the above photo of the Brownlies and Janet in a hot tub, it involved some serious relaxation. The first two days of skiing were fine but the final two days were judged to be non-skiing days due to rain. Nonetheless, we visited a new town in PQ (Knowlton) and returned to visit the Abbey of Benoit on Lake Mephremagog (photo below). We spent a good deal of time discussing our forthcoming sojourn to Costa Rica; naturally, John and I resolved the problems of world while the ladies ponder their wardrobes for Central America. A few more photos are available by clicking here.
Normally, especially in Winter, our driveway serves a functional purpose - but little else than that. However, today, when Janet looked out our front window towards the driveway, she discovered the unexpected. The trees that run along the driveway were decorated with cloth, stuffed hearts, put there by someone unknown to us. We discovered later that a friend, Jean Eggleston, had also had Valentine hearts placed on her property. Jean did discover that a Nancy Hogge had selected certain people to adorn their properties with the hearts. Below is a very brief movie of what our driveway looks like.
The reindeer (electronic, that is) that we placed by the lamp post is just barely able to keep its head above the two feet of snow we've managed to accumulate. Above and below are a couple of day and night photos taken by Janet that reflect the creatures dilemma. If we receive any new snow in the near future, our reindeer may become an electronic statistic.