Janet and I enjoyed a brief Elderhostel trip to Boston in mid-December. Staying at the Midtown Motel, the group took in the Christmas performance by the Boston Pops at Symphony Hall, saw "White Christmas" (a take off from the 1950 movie, "Holiday Inn") at the Wang, toured the Christian Scientist Mother Church, had dinner at Elderhostel headquarters, toured the fantastic collections at the Museum of Fine Arts (especially the Eygptology collection), and. of course, managed to do a little "unnecessary" Christmas shopping at several of the urban shopping malls in Back Bay and Copley Square. All in all, we had a great time. Pictured above are some of the folks attending the Elderhostel; below is a photo of the Mother Church of Christian Scientist.For some other photos, click here.
Starting Sunday night through Monday, Dec 3, we experienced our first snow of the season, totalling about 9 to 10 inches. Devi has thoroughly enjoyed discovering the snow as may be seen from the above photo of me trying to manage her during an outing.
We journeyed down to Athens, Georgia to enjoy Thanksgiving with Douglas and do some sightseeing at the Un. of Georgia, Douglas' lab, and the town of Athens. We also had time to help Douglas (the primary chef) in the preparation of a 17 lb bird for the occasion - which he shared with three of his co-workers.
During the T-Day celebration, we also watched, as is required of a Douglas visit, USC handily defeat Arizona State.It was fun to spend timewith Douglas and his co-workers, who were from Argentina and Brazil, especially as they tried to engage the fall pasttime of football.
A photo slide show of the visit is available by clicking here.
Pictured below is a photo of Douglas in action at the lab where he is currently doing research aimed at understanding the nature of a particular parasite that attacks the human body, particularly affecting people living in Latin America.