A horse drawn carriage approaching a Victorian home in Forest Park. This is one of the hundreds of electrifying scenes on display at the "Bright Nights", an annual electronic display sponsored by a Springfield MA group in that city's Forest Park.
On December 29, 2004, Janet and Ralph Pace, in the company of Janet's brother, Allan, toured the "Bright Nights". It was an amazing spectacle.
The photo above, as well as the following two, are samples of the creative work done to celebrate the season. To see more pictures, try the shutterfly web site album found at http://share.shutterfly.com/osi.jsp?i=EeANG7Ny0aNGzzY. Select the view as a slideshow option.
Pictured above is the Christmas tree on christmas morning before we attacked it. According to instructions, we were not to give any presents (also, on Christmas Eve, we were not to have any stocking gifts). Somehow, the message was "misunderstood" by the participants.
Jeffrey, Allan, Janet, and I all enjoyed breaking the "rules". We spoke to Stephen and Barbara and Douglas via the phone to complete a wonderful day.
It even managed to snow a bit on Christmas afternoon.
Janet, Allan, Ralph, and Jeffrey sit down to enjoy Duck a'la orange prepared by Jeffrey (it was great!). We wish everyone a happy and peaceful holiday.
Pictured above ae Susan Kneebone, Beth Almond, Linda Moore, and Marlene Cysyk at the Pace's 5th annual "Trim the Tree" Christmas Party. Behind them is their work of art.
Ralph and Janet enjoy a moment in the Mansfield Hotel Lounge prior to supper club at the Algonquin. They spent a recent weekend in New York, attending the Radio City Music Halll Christmas show, seeing Andrea Marcovicci at the Algonquin, enjoying a priceless evening of piano bar music at Danny's listening to Jerry Scott at the keyboard, and, see photo above, going to ground zero at the World Trade Center.
Antarctica scientists with Sir Edmund Hillary at McMurdo Station (Douglas is 12th from the far right in the rear). Hillary helped establish chain of posts enabling access to the South Pole. Link